Energy Meridians & Seasons Spring - Liver & Gallbladder Summer - Heart & Small Intestine Indian Summer - Stomach & Spleen Autumn - Lung & Large Intestine Winter - Kidney & Bladder


The Liver and Gallbladder Meridians

cute hummingbird on a spring flower


The Liver Circadian rhythm is from 1:00 am – 3:00 am. This is a time of regeneration for the liver. It is particularly helpful to do exercises and direct healing energies to benefit the liver at this time.

Foods that nourish the Liver:  lemon juice, Beets, garlic, grapefruit, kale, spinach, lettuce, avocados, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, lentils, brussel sprouts, lemon, turmeric, walnuts. Avoid all foods containing hormones, antibiotics, and chemical preservatives. Make your own liver cleanse by juicing 4 Carrots, 2 apples and ½ beet daily.

Liver meridian diagram

Essential oils for Liver health:

Liver Support: Moringa and Sweet Basil.

Liver regeneration:  Grapefruit, lemongrass, or Rosemary.

Liver cleansing:  Combava and Galbanum decongest the liver; Cilantro stimulates the release of heavy metals.

Liver tonics:  Caraway and Holy Basil are tonics for the liver and other organs.

Herbs that support Liver health:

Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Echinacea, Oregon Grape Root, Turmeric, Milk thistle, Paul D-arco, and Goldenseal Root.

The Spring Meridians

Element: Wood
Color: Green
System: Muscles & Sinews
Sense: Eyes
Flavor: Sour
Emotion: Anger
Sound: Shouting


The Gall Bladder Circadian rhythm is from 11:00 pm – 1:00 am. This is a time of regeneration for the gall bladder. It is particularly helpful to do exercises and direct healing energies to benefit the gall bladder at this time.

Foods that nourish the Gall Bladder:  Raw shredded beets, apples, carrots, ginger, celery, artichokes, coconut oil, dandelion greens, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, kale, arugula, fish, papaya, red bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, bananas, garbanzo beans, chicken, trout, salmon, beef, clams and oysters, acai berries, blueberries and pomegranates. Avoid hydrogenated fats and oils; and avoid rich and spicy foods.

Gallbladder meridian diagram

Essential oils that promote Gall Bladder health:

Gall Bladder cleansing: Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime and Orange.

Gall Bladder regeneration: Pepperment and Galbanum.

Gall Bladder bile production: Combava Petitgrain, Cumin, Havozo, Ravensare and Sweet Fennel.

Herbs that support Gall Bladder health:

Dandelion Root, Burplurem, Gentian, Oregon Grape Root and Milk Thistle.